Monday, October 4, 2010

CleburneTX has done it again.

This story really upsets me, it proves my stories are real . We have two papers in town, one prints what everybody(by everybody i mean City officials) wants us to hear. The other one prints the truth about what goes on here. And for doing that they are being shut down and run off. Even the freedom of speech is not allowed in CleburneTX. Apparently it ruffles the wrong feathers, here is the news article about it,

by Don Rice
It’s been over five years since the Cleburne Eagle News changed ownership, and those years have not been without controversary and public reaction. The purchase of the newspaper was originally intended to promote local businesses, including the two owned by the purchaser. Somehow that intention fell to the side and a political atmosphere took over, when the newspaper questioned some facts and issues with a local school bond election.
The employees and writers became subject to threats, both verbal and written. There was even a statement to burn the office down with the editor inside. Employees received threatening letters that had the local police watching their homes at night.
A large effort was instituted by those who opposed the publishing of the weekly paper to stop businesses and citizens from advertising and subscribing, and one school board member was caught emailing businesses criticizing their dealings with the paper.
As an added effort businesses were called and told if they continued to do business with the newspaper the school district would cease to do business with those businesses. It has been a bumpy ride to say the least.
As part of any deal in making certain issues public, there is always people that are happy and people that are mad. This has been the case with this newspaper.
We were nieve enough to think that when wrongdoings were presented to the citizens that they would rise up and demand changes be made. Boy was we nieve! It seems we took on half the population of this town in our efforts to inform.
All this was undertaken because we felt it needed to be. We thought the little guys should see what was really going on with their tax dollars. The paper was never motivated because of profit to do these things, as it would have been much more profitable to take the middle road and print a rosy picture of everything as the other newspapers do. It’s hard to produce a profit when you make the community leaders mad by exposing things that happen behind closed doors. Some of Cleburne’s finest are still hard at work trying to stop the printing of this newspaper.
We have attempted to sell the paper so that it would continue as the lone voice for truth in local media, but a deal has never been completed. The financial drain and the constant beating of our heads against so many has take it’s toll, and perhaps those that had problems with the truth being printed are close to winning.
If a sale is not completed soon, or some new financial remedy is not found the closing of the newspaper may be the only option.
We hoped the paper would furnish a different view the community would embrace and remain a part of the area, as we believed it filled a need to make the local public aware of what is actually going on, not what other media reports.
We are working to find another solution, or a purchaser so the Cleburne Eagle can remain as a local publishing option, and remain “the people’s paper”.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...