Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Suspicious Vehicle" (Cop Chronicles#5)

After two years my wife and i had saved up enough money to purchase our first New Car. This was a very big deal for us, and we were proud of what we had accomplished. Finally the big day came and we got our new car. Now this was not your everyday new car, especially in CleburneTX. We got ourselves  a Smart Car. That may not sound like a big deal in most cities but we had one of only three. Where we got into trouble was where we lived. The other two Smart Cars lived in the better part of town where new cars are a dime a dozen. On the other hand our Smart Car stuck out like a soar thumb. Remember my earlier Post "Man with a gun,Shots fired", nobody showed up to check it out. Well now they showed up for all the wrong reasons. And once it began i thought it would never end. We were returning home from Ft.Worth and as we approached town i was telling my daughter about the speed trap coming up and to slow down before you get there. I was not speeding when we got to the speed limit sign, but i got pulled over anyway. This was only the third day we had the car. The first thing the cop asked was "What kind of car is this?" and before i could answer he said "i didn't think a car this small could go that fast". He then gave me a ticket for going 50 in a 40. I have not had a speeding ticket in 20 years and should not have gotten one then. This was just the beginning, for the next three weeks we were followed, chased and watched. Every time we would go for a ride,when a cop would see us he would turn around and run up to us at a high rate of speed and then follow us all the way home. Sometimes pulling us over just to check us out. Then they would drive by our house real slow several times a day just staring at us. It got so bad that we wouldn't  go anywhere in our new car in fear of getting a ticket for having a new car. After a month went by they must have gotten bored with us and they moved on to harassing someone else.

1 comment:

Recumbent Bike said...

Great share man keep it up .