Thursday, September 30, 2010

"eeny meeny mynee moe where did all the real food go" ?

Cleburne TX is about 25 miles south of Ft.Worth, but it's a whole world away when it comes to simple things.Here is a couple of examples. We have a wal-mart super center like most every town in America, we also have a huge wal-mart central supply warehouse. The problem is we have the worst stocked store anywhere i know of, why? We have a Sears store too, but you have to order everything from the catalog. That brings me to the main subject, food. I have established the pattern that Cleburne goes by, so maybe this will make since, maybe not.Up until about ten years ago, going to a restaurant meant TacoBell, pizzaHut and many more of the same. So it was big news when Chilis then Applebees opened, then more and more. Then something happened that nobody believed would ever happen, Cleburne went wet. Plans for more places to open are in the works and i see no end in sight. Sounds like things are going good in Cleburne but are they? Seems to me we have been enslaved by the mega-restaurant steam roller. What happened to the real food places, with a real cook or a Chef, that uses fresh and or local produce. We do have a couple of places left, like "The purple turnip" and several Mexican owned establishments. Overall i fear for the future of our food culture, and there is not a thing i can do about it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Narcotics n Sex Toys"(Cop Chronicles#4)

This one speaks for itself, Narcotics officers set this one up. Only in CleburneTX could this happen, this is how far they will go to get arrest records up. This validates all the stories i have and will tell in the future about (Cop Chronicles). This story is in the form of a news article, so click here to get the link :Beware of Sex Toys.

"So it's HER fault?" (Cop Chronicles #3)

My teenage daughter went out to get into her car which was parked in our driveway and locked. She found the window broke out and her backpack gone. All her school books,homework and projects were in that backpack. She was very upset and crying, i calmed her down then called the Cops. An officer came out and took a report and said there wasn't much they could do. Then believe it or not he proceeded to tell my daughter that it was all her fault this happened. She started crying again but that didn't stop him, he continued to belittle her by saying if she was smarter she wouldn't leave anything she wanted to keep in the car.There was no mention of how somebody broke out the window because the car doors were locked, and it was in the driveway on private property. I finally had all i could stand and i asked him what the hell was wrong with him? My daughter just went through a traumatic experience and instead of helping this teenager through this you attack her and make her cry again. Then he actually  threatens to arrest me for saying hell to loud and threatening his authority. I do have the right to protect my daughter from abuse by an authority, and ask the question why? OH I FORGOT THIS IS "CLEBURNETX.".

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"But we have Cletrans"

A few years ago i started hearing stories about people without transportation but have daily visits to the local
hospital. The local hospital is located on the highway just at the edge of town. This means you must have transportation to get there and back. No problem, we have "Cletran" short for Cleburne transportation. They have different vehicles on designated routes and for a fee you can ride one until you get to or close to where you wanted to go. Problem, The bus that goes to the hospital only stops once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. So no matter what time your appointment is you will be at the hospital all day just waiting. This sounds very exciting to me, i hope one day that i can be held captive all day at the hospital by "Cletran". I have been trying to start a shuttle service of my own that would eliminate this problem and give "Cletran" some healthy competition. Of course you have to do everything nice and legal, like insurance, permits and approval from the city of Cleburne. Did i mention that "Cletran" is owned and operated by the city, oh yes, it surely is. So one day i call up the city to get the information i need about permits and such. As i explained my plan to the lady on the phone, suddenly she interrupted  me and i kid you not she said "But we have cletran, we don't need another form of transportation, why would you do something like that?" Well i was flabbergasted, how do you respond that kind of reasoning? I couldn't, so i thanked her for her help and hung up.
PS. I did not start the service that i wanted to for lack of funding. Maybe someday in the future i will be able to

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Let me say this about that

Before i go any further with the "Cop Chronicles" i want to explain a couple of things so you won't get the wrong idea about me. I was raised to respect authority of any kind and i raised my children to do the same. I am very thankful for the Police and firemen of CleburneTX, they do a wonderful job, without them there would be mayhem. That being said, there is an ongoing problem here. Remember it only takes one bad apple...

"Man with a gun, shots fired" (Cop Chronicles #2)

Bad boys bad boys what you gonna do? If you are watching Cops on TV and the call comes in "Man with a gun, shots fired", what happens? Everything happens, code three, lights  and siren, extreme caution. That is what is supposed to happen, well at least they come check it out, right? Wrong. It all depends on where you live in CleburneTX as to what response you will receive. Apparently i do not live in that coveted wonderful and protected part of town. We do have Cops in our neighborhood, but that is not always a good thing. A couple of years ago while watching TV,(might have been Cops) i heard a gunshot, so i went outside to take a look. About a block and a half away across a vacant lot stood a man firing a pistol in the air. He took several shots, then he walked out of sight. While this was going on i called 911 and told them what was happening. Now keep in mind,this is only 5 or 6 blocks from downtown, and in a residential zone with children outside playing. Nothing, No response, not even a drive by, i called again, still no response. Now to put this in perspective, i went to Nicaragua earlier this year and i went to the airport with a friend of mine. My friend lives in a nicer part of town than i do. So at about 3:30am my son took me to his house to load and leave for DFW Airport. We weren't there 10 minutes before a cop rolled up to see why we were there.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"It's my front yard" (Cop Chronicles#1)

Today the infamous Cleburne Police proved they believe themselves to be "Gods". 
I was going to start the "Cop Chronicles"at a later date, but they just couldn't wait any longer. I walked out on my front porch and there they were,Cops in my front yard. Just outside my front door was the Dog Catcher,to my left, in the lot that i own, sat a woman and her dog. Her car was being emptied of its contents, lot's of contents. After several minutes of searching they(cops)had her put her dog in the dog catchers vehicle, then hand cuffed her. I was standing in my driveway about 15' from them taking pictures with my cell phone.While the officer was handcuffing the woman, he stopped and started questioning me about what i was doing and why i was doing it. He obviously wanted me to stop and go away, then i simply said "it's my front yard and i  find it interesting". After a few seconds he hung his head then they took the woman away. This may not sound like much of anything, but the stories are many and they get a lot more interesting.

Who's in Charge?

I am a firm believer in God & Jesus. That being said, i also do not understand how everything work's. I am on a quest to learn all i can about the mind of God. My question today is"when we pray, how can or will it affect the outcome of what is prayed for?" Example: My daughter is looking for a job and the seemingly perfect job was available. Employees of the company know and love her, the boss knows her,she has experience. The boss passes over her for an inexperienced unknown person. What happened, did the employees push too hard and make the boss mad so he has to show them that he makes the choice not them. Was it Gods will to not have that job, did i push my daughter too hard to get that job? Here is the big question, did we pray for the right thing and did we change Gods mind or influence Him at all? Did my daughter miss out on the perfect job because of human error or influence, or is God in control no matter what we do?
How i see it: I got real mad at first, but in the end i believe, "All things work for the glory of God" and the right job will come in Gods time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

OK, Give it some gas, the light turned green!

I pulled up to a red light on Granbury in the big city of CleburneTX. As i look to my right, i see a luv truck with the hood up. The bed of this little pickup is full of people,so is the cab. The driver is waving his arm and screaming, "OK, Give it some gas, the light turned green!". Then i noticed a young man sitting on top of the motor, under the open hood, with a 5gal. gas can on his shoulder pouring gas directly into the carburetor. As he poured the little truck started moving forward, and with a hoot n holler they were gone. Thank God it did not backfire.
PS. The spelling of "Granbury or Grandbury" is actually  spelled both way's in all the maps of "Cleburne". I guess they don't know how to spell it either.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I have been to third world countries that have better roads than we do here in CleburneTX. CluburneTX has been known for years as a living "Peyton Place". We live in a "Good ol Boy" way of Politics, this is obvious when it comes to street repair. New pavement will be laid to all City Officials homes, while the poorer parts of town are left out. That's ok, i can live with that,but this is what i do not understand. While putting down a new layer of asphalt a repair crew will come behind them, cut a hole, make underground repairs, then patch the surface. So the new road already has a patch, and not a good one. This goes on n on n on, all the way down the new road. At least it is new, most of the roads will destroy a cars front end or you will just vanish into a mega hole.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Let's get this party started

Just let me say, i would rather live here than in FT. Worth or Dallas. Tried it and don't like it. There is a lot to say for small town life, if it was a normal town. Cleburne Tx. is not your average small town.
I am doing this Blog thing just for me, i do welcome your comment's & thought's on whatever i say.Just so you will know, everything i say will be the truth, nothing is made up or a lie.I will only talk about what i know first hand. I hope you enjoy, and if not, sorry.

What were they thinking?

I posted the question "Why are there no on or off ramps on the highway (loop) around Cleburne TX.?
 Let me explain; We have what is supposed to be a loop around Clebune, after ten years or so it only goes about half way around. That is not the sad part, the real kikker is there are no exit ramps.You have to make a right turn off the highway, while the traffic is moving along at 70 miles per hour. If you don't live here and know where your going your in trouble, sign's are few and far between.Did i tell you it was only a two lane highway,well it is. I have no idea how many wrecks, injury's & death's have occurred in all these years but they were unnecessary. I have heard rumor that they are now putting in ramps, good for us if they do it right, to late for so many others.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where do we go from here?

Back in the late 70's i was a teenager cruising the city park here in Cleburne. We had a blast doing nothing but parking, talking, driving. Sometimes we had trouble, but nothing major. At least we were together for safety and we were in town. Then the eighties came and the Great City of Cleburne in all it's wisdom closed the park accept for daytime use only. The thing is they didn't care what the teenagers were going to do now, they just didn't want them in the Park. So they went to what was then Buddy Stewart Park, geuss what happend, they got run off. Then they went to the back side of the lake, yep, run off again. Well this has gone on for years,and the last i heard they meet at the Staples parking lot, or close to it. The problem is that they keep getting run off but never told where they can go. It is so bad now it's like a game for Cops. Teens are meeting in the yards of there friends, and when the Cops see all the cars and kids they start giving them a hard time about parking, noise or whatever they can think of. I have seen this happen and heard many stories of the same thing. If the City would spend just a little of all that gas well money on the youth or at least tell them where they can go so the Cops won't mess with them, the problem would be over. I think the real problem is they just don't care.