Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where do we go from here?

Back in the late 70's i was a teenager cruising the city park here in Cleburne. We had a blast doing nothing but parking, talking, driving. Sometimes we had trouble, but nothing major. At least we were together for safety and we were in town. Then the eighties came and the Great City of Cleburne in all it's wisdom closed the park accept for daytime use only. The thing is they didn't care what the teenagers were going to do now, they just didn't want them in the Park. So they went to what was then Buddy Stewart Park, geuss what happend, they got run off. Then they went to the back side of the lake, yep, run off again. Well this has gone on for years,and the last i heard they meet at the Staples parking lot, or close to it. The problem is that they keep getting run off but never told where they can go. It is so bad now it's like a game for Cops. Teens are meeting in the yards of there friends, and when the Cops see all the cars and kids they start giving them a hard time about parking, noise or whatever they can think of. I have seen this happen and heard many stories of the same thing. If the City would spend just a little of all that gas well money on the youth or at least tell them where they can go so the Cops won't mess with them, the problem would be over. I think the real problem is they just don't care.

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