Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"So it's HER fault?" (Cop Chronicles #3)

My teenage daughter went out to get into her car which was parked in our driveway and locked. She found the window broke out and her backpack gone. All her school books,homework and projects were in that backpack. She was very upset and crying, i calmed her down then called the Cops. An officer came out and took a report and said there wasn't much they could do. Then believe it or not he proceeded to tell my daughter that it was all her fault this happened. She started crying again but that didn't stop him, he continued to belittle her by saying if she was smarter she wouldn't leave anything she wanted to keep in the car.There was no mention of how somebody broke out the window because the car doors were locked, and it was in the driveway on private property. I finally had all i could stand and i asked him what the hell was wrong with him? My daughter just went through a traumatic experience and instead of helping this teenager through this you attack her and make her cry again. Then he actually  threatens to arrest me for saying hell to loud and threatening his authority. I do have the right to protect my daughter from abuse by an authority, and ask the question why? OH I FORGOT THIS IS "CLEBURNETX.".

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