Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"But we have Cletrans"

A few years ago i started hearing stories about people without transportation but have daily visits to the local
hospital. The local hospital is located on the highway just at the edge of town. This means you must have transportation to get there and back. No problem, we have "Cletran" short for Cleburne transportation. They have different vehicles on designated routes and for a fee you can ride one until you get to or close to where you wanted to go. Problem, The bus that goes to the hospital only stops once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. So no matter what time your appointment is you will be at the hospital all day just waiting. This sounds very exciting to me, i hope one day that i can be held captive all day at the hospital by "Cletran". I have been trying to start a shuttle service of my own that would eliminate this problem and give "Cletran" some healthy competition. Of course you have to do everything nice and legal, like insurance, permits and approval from the city of Cleburne. Did i mention that "Cletran" is owned and operated by the city, oh yes, it surely is. So one day i call up the city to get the information i need about permits and such. As i explained my plan to the lady on the phone, suddenly she interrupted  me and i kid you not she said "But we have cletran, we don't need another form of transportation, why would you do something like that?" Well i was flabbergasted, how do you respond that kind of reasoning? I couldn't, so i thanked her for her help and hung up.
PS. I did not start the service that i wanted to for lack of funding. Maybe someday in the future i will be able to

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