Sunday, September 26, 2010

Let me say this about that

Before i go any further with the "Cop Chronicles" i want to explain a couple of things so you won't get the wrong idea about me. I was raised to respect authority of any kind and i raised my children to do the same. I am very thankful for the Police and firemen of CleburneTX, they do a wonderful job, without them there would be mayhem. That being said, there is an ongoing problem here. Remember it only takes one bad apple...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First let me say I live in Burleson was born in Ft Worth, and very proud of the fact I am a true Texan.. I have also raised my children, I have 3 boys, to respect the law and the men and women who represent our laws police officers, firemen, sheriffs. On an early June morning of 2010 I happened to be unlucky enough to have to deal with the kind of lowlife, lieing. abusive cop that I thought were only in b grade movies. My youngest was at a underage drinking party, yes he was 19 and should have known better, parties are going to happen and yes some how alcohol is usually part of it, but that is not what this is about. I had been woke up around 3am and asked to drive to Cleburne and pick up my son so he would not go to jail, he would receive a ticket but I could bring him home. my son had been released to me and had 1 foot half in my car when this angry hateful cop picked him up and threw him to the ground while doing this he threw his flashlight and ticket book hitting my car. Long story short, a Cleburne Cop grabbed my kid and threw him to the ground for absolutely no reason. my son weighs 100lbs and the smallest kid there the cop was close to 3 times the weight. I saw the whole thing!! I am not a lier and I believe if you are man enough to do the crime you had better suck it up and do the time. I don't have any idea what this cops problem was but he defiantly has one. This guy was out of control and for no reason I would not want some loose cannon cop with a gun running around my town. When I found out the charges against my son I was shocked attempted assault on a police officer, resisting arrest. I was also threatened to be taken me to jail because I was concerned about my child's health. This 1 cop needs to be looked at, he was out of control something needs to be done by somebody with the authority to reprimand. These cops think they can get away with anything just by out and out lieing. I realized then that I had no idea who to go to about this incident. Everybody knows about Johnson County Corruption, any suggestion? I wanted to prove to you that I know 1st hand about this. I am 50 yrs old and never seen a situation this bad.